Wednesday 30 October 2019

Colouring in

This is a picture of me I am colouring in a picture. At reading time we have can dos and must dos. We have to finish our must dos and then we can do our can dos. Once I have finished my must dos I do colouring in because that is on the can do list. I was colouring in a tree with leaves falling off the tree to the ground. Thank you Mrs Mathison for taking this photo.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

About Hokitika

This is my story about Hokitika I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thursday 17 October 2019


SRA's are reading cards. We do one everyday. I am in Rose which is the second highest group for our class. We started at the end of last term. In an SRA you need to read them and then at the end there are questions you need to answer, you write you answers down in your maths book and then you mark them. You time your self to read it and answer the questions. There are comprehension question and vocabulary questions. All of the questions are to do with the book that you have just read.