Monday 26 August 2019

Reading Theory

Reading Theory is this reading task that we do in Ruma Piwakawaka. You read a little story and the do some questions about what you have just read. You go up grades and you can also see your progress. You go up different levels. It is fun because you do some reading and then do questions.

You should try Reading Theory

Comment if you have tried it and did you like it.

Friday 23 August 2019

Compute It

Compute it is this fun maths game with lots of levels. Some are hard and some are easy. You need to read the instruction and they are in code so you need to figure it out and you move your dot with the arrows on right hand bottom corner of your chrome book. It is about reading the instructions correctly.

Wednesday 21 August 2019


Today we did some  experimenting. We used milk, food colouring and dish washing liquid and made a really cool colour thing. When we added the dish washing liquid the colours went all out and spread around the plate. The colours that we used are yellow, red, blue and green. Then we figured out that the colours spread because when the milk moves they move and the milk moves because the milk has fat in it and fat does not like soap.

Friday 16 August 2019

Thursday 15 August 2019

Screen Castify

This week we have been doing the Matific competition. In the video above I was doing Roman numerals. I am top 400, I was top 200  but the I dropped back over night. Kaniere School is coming first out of all the schools that are doing it.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Transformation using Grids

Today we found an accredited image on Explore and selected it to use on our page. We then put a 5x5 grid on it so we could copy the image and make it original. Mrs Minehan selected the first two images so we could understand the process, then we got to choose our own image.
I found the first one a little bit hard because I had to make it curve around.
The second one was easy because I had to use the cloud in the shapes and I liked doing this on more.
I chose the image of the tree because I am proud of what I have done and I made it look a bit more similar
Have you ever tried to transform an image using a grid? How did you find the process?
I liked doing this polyline art because you made a picture on your own and I didn't give up ever though it was a little hard.