Monday, 19 October 2020

The Awesome Mr Kinane

 Day 1 :
Today was the first day that Mr Kinane came in and for the three days that he is here, he is going to be teaching us how to use micro bits. Mr Kinane is a specialist in digital technology and computational thinking. We needed a partner and my partner was Ashley. 

 What you need to have when you get them :  You will need the Micro bit, on day there you need the big circle circuit board that has more connections on it.  The USB cord is to plug into your computer to download your code onto the micro bit, on day 3 you need 2 power packs but on day 1 & 2 you only need one. 

Day 2 : 
Today we had to send a message to another micro bit. We had to choose a number between 1 - 255  the group I was in choose the number 125. We sent hi to each other. Once we got it sorted we went outside and saw how many steps we could go away from each other and see if it would still work and it did it worked from far away. 

Day 3 : 
Today we got to add more stuff that connected to the micro bit. I was in a group with Sora. Everybody got a Cricket add on, 2 micro bits, a USB cord, 2 power packs and an arm. We also got a cup and a straw and we had to make the straw go around in a circle with this little machine that has a connection on the top that you can stick the straw to and it makes it go around. Sora and I couldn't get it to work but we kept trying ever though we still didn't get it. 

I really liked having Mr Kinane come in and taught us all about how the micro bits work it was so much fun. 

Have you ever used a Micro bit ?

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